Supplimental Education

Are your classes at school not filling your head with useful knowledge fast enough?

Albert Einstein

Solution: Free online college classes from MIT, Carnegie Mellon, and elsewhere.  Albert Einstein once said, “Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”  There are a lot of wonderful learning opportunities in the links below.  You may not understand all of it, but if you put your best effort into it, I’m confident that your insatiable appetite for knowledge and understanding will be satisfied.  At the very least, you can impress your teachers with the content you’ll learn!

Udacity: We believe university-level education can be both high quality and low cost. Using the economics of the Internet, we’ve connected some of the greatest teachers to hundreds of thousands of students all over the world.

MIT Open Courseware: MIT Open CourseWare makes the materials used in the teaching of almost all of MIT’s subjects available on the Web, free of charge. With more than 2,000 courses available, OCW is delivering on the promise of open sharing of knowledge.

Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative: Our aim is to create high-quality courses and contribute original research to improve learning and transform higher education.

Johns Hopkins Open Courseware: JHSPH sees OCW as an important component of the School’s mission (Protecting Health, Saving Lives – Millions at a Time). OCW is true to JHSPH’s values of excellence, innovation and leadership. JHSPH OCW contributes to the “shared intellectual commons” in academia, which fosters collaboration across JHSPH and among other scholars across disciplines and around the world.

Utah State University Open CourseWare:  We believe that all humans beings are endowed with a capacity to learn, improve, and progress. Educational opportunity is the mechanism by which we fulfill that capacity. Utah State OpenCourseWare is a collection of educational material used in our formal campus courses, and seeks to provide people around the world with an opportunity to access high quality learning opportunities.

 Tufts University Open CourseWare: Tufts OpenCourseWare is part of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free access to course content for everyone online. Tufts’ course offerings demonstrate the University’s strength in the life sciences in addition to its multidisciplinary approach, international perspective and underlying ethic of service to its local, national and international communities.