Your Local Group
The Indy Mensa Family Program is just one of the many exciting components of Central Indiana Mensa. Here are some of the highlights our local group offers:
- Monthly Meeting: 2nd Friday of every month – Featuring a speaker, light refreshments, and hang out time.
- Outdoor Gathering: Spring – Enjoy cabin camping at Versailles State Park, nature walks, fossil hunts, games, great food, campfires, and a full weekend with Mensans starting Friday night.
- Regional Gathering: End of January – Stimulate your brain with a full weekend of speakers, activities, games, food, swimming, conversation, and wacky things Mensans come up with for fun.
- White Elephant Gift Exchange: December Monthly Meeting – Enjoy a Christmas feast and White Elephant, Mensa-style!
- Game Night: January Monthly Meeting: Hang out and play games all evening with Mensans.
- Special Interest Groups (SIG’s): Go to the Mensa SIG web site to see what is offered both locally and nationally.
Visit the Central Indiana Mensa web site.