About Your GCC
Hi, I’m David, your local GCC. What’s a GCC? It’s an acronym for Gifted Children’s Coordinator. What that means is that I volunteer to be in charge of running the Gifted Children’s Program for Central Indiana Mensa.
Like you, I was once a gifted kid. Gifted kids grow up to be gifted adults, but you already knew that. I may look like an adult, but I’m still a big kid at heart. Many people in Mensa are that way. We still like to have fun, be creative, and learn as much as we can!
You probably have some questions about me. I’ll do my best to answer them:
Q: What do you do for fun?
A: That’s a big question. Mainly, I like to try things I’ve never done before, challenge myself, and learn as much as I can whenever I can.
I’ve always loved the water, especially when I can be in it! Last fall I took a 5 week class and got certified to scuba dive. I found this guitar (or what’s left of it) at the bottom of a lake. Yeah, that’s me in the picture.
What do you do after a big snow? Stay inside and play video games? No way! I’m going to be outside playing in the snow. It took me most of the afternoon and evening to build this, but I managed to make a large igloo in my front yard I could actually comfortably lay down inside and feel warm. As I was building this, people driving by stopped to watch. I guess they’ve never seen an igloo in Indiana before.
I’ve been working with my youth group for over ten years. I’m in the green shirt after a paintball match.
I love music. Over the years I’ve learned how to play many different instruments. I’m in the middle with the bass guitar and the extra large amp. This picture was taken when I was in college.
One of my hobbies is photography. You can see some of my work here. I can also show you some more of my work here:
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: I actually went to three different colleges and got five degrees. Indiana State University was where I learned about electrical and computer engineering. After that, I got a degrees in teaching and science from Indiana University. Finally I got a degree from Purdue so I could teach gifted kids.
Q: What is your job?
A: I am a science teacher. I work at a school in Indianapolis for kids who have high functioning autism. During the summer I do computer and engineering work.
Q: Do you have any kids?
A: I’ve never been married, so I don’t have any kids. Some day I’d like to though.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: I like pretty much everything except for liver, scallops, lobster, and anything still alive. My favorites include root beer floats, bbq ribs, pistachio pudding, fresh squeezed orange juice, homemade pizza (from scratch), anything Italian, Mexican, or Chinese.
Q: Why are you the GCC?
A: Because I love hanging out with gifted kids. You guys are so much fun to talk to and learn from.
Q: Can I contact you?
A: Sure. My email address and phone number are listed on this web site. Be sure to get your parents permission first. You can also find me on Facebook. I’ll try to answer your questions about the GCP or to talk about your experiences growing up as a gifted person.