We made a list to support our Central Indiana gifted children, their families, and teachers because supporting our brightest youth can be an uphill battle. You are not alone!
Recommended (and Required) Reading
Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page – If you have or think you have a gifted child, you simply must visit Hoagies’ Gifted and plan on spending at least an afternoon or evening reading the basics. This site has so much wonderful information. Start with “Gifted 101″. Be sure to explore the other 1000+ page web site when you can find the time.
A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students – This is a FREE book that is required reading. You simply cannot afford to not read this if you are the parent of a gifted student. It will empower you with the knowledge you need.
Gifted Schools
Sycamore School – An independent, private school for gifted children preschool through eighth
Sidener Academy for High Ability Learners – School for gifted children in the Indianapolis Public School District
Burris Laboratory School – Grades K-12 - they have a program for high ability students worth looking into.
Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities – Gifted residential, grades 11-12
Gifted Libraries
Shared Information Services of Indiana - Did you know that as an Indiana resident, you have FREE access to a gifted library with over 8,000 books you can check out?
Gifted Programs
Indiana Department of Education: High Ability is where you can go to learn about how Indiana law sees high ability education.
Indiana Assocation for the Gifted is a local gifted children’s advocacy group based in Indianapolis.
National Association for Gifted Children is the biggest organization supporting gifted children. It’s like the IAG, but on a national level.
Ball State University Center for Gifted Studies & Talent Development has lots of information including how to get certified to teach G/T in Indiana
Purdue Gifted Education Resource Institude (GERI) also has lots of information including how to get certified to teach G/T in Indiana as well as gifted camps and weekend programs
Davidson Institute is organization that provides free services to profoundly gifted students under 18
Professional Services
Kenosis Center offers professional counseling for gifted children and their parents
Midwest Internet offers affordable dialup Internet and web hosting. Owned and operated by a local Mensa member, a big thanks goes out to them for generously hosting our CIM Kids site!
Central Indiana Mensa - Your local Mensa group with current events, pictures, and so much more
American Mensa, Ltd. - Lots of resources and information about everything Mensa in America
American Mensa: Gifted Children Page – Section of American Mensa for parents of bright children
Mensa for Kids – Designed by Mensa directly for kids
Mensa Foundation - Supports and hosts many events that “expand learning, research, and intelligence”
Teen SIG - Group for Mensa teens ages 13-19. Includes Facebook group