You want to know what gifted kids events are coming up?
Being “in the know” is as easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6
(or some variation of that)
STEP 1: Register by clicking on the “Click Here to Register Online” button. We occasionally send out a newsletter highlighting upcoming events. This will get you on that mailing list (which you can easily cancel at any time). It also gives us an idea of who you are so we can plan events specifically for you.
STEP 2: Join our Facebook page. Look for the blue Facebook icon. This will take you directly to our Facebook page if you have an account on Facebook. This is where the action is! You can post your own pictures, write your opinions, and register for events.
STEP 3: Join our Yahoo group. is the web page that contains all the archives and resources. Once you are signed up, simply send your emails to the group at: . This list is used as a network to connect the gifted community in Central Indiana. The people reading this include teachers of the gifted, counselors of the gifted, parents of the gifted, local Mensa members, any anyone else associated with gifted kids in Indiana. If you have a question about gifted kids, parenting, or schools, someone on this list probably has an answer for you. Don’t be shy! If you have announcements that the Indiana gifted community would be interested in, this is the place to share it.
STEP 4: Do you Twitter? If so, we have a Twitter feed. Add CIMKids to your tweet list. This is especially useful if we can send reminders of upcoming events to your mobile device.
STEP 5: Join the Brightkids listserve. Click here to sign up. Brightkids is like our local Yahoo group, but at the national level. It won’t have local events, but it has more people.
STEP 6: Add our web site to your RSS feed. Click on the marker at the top of this page to get you there.
Some other great ways to stay in touch include…
WEB PAGE: Of course you can find the latest news by going to and click on the Home tab.
EMAIL: David Bonner, the current Gifted Children’s Coordinator (GCC) can be reached by email at: gcc [at]
PHONE: David Bonner, the current Gifted Children’s Coordinator (GCC) can be reached by phone at: (317) 973-0258